Baby Boy Shirtall- Narwhal$50.00PrecioThe shirtall is for our growing baby boys, with snaps at the bottom and buttons at the front. It is a easy to put on and chinge diapers. The shirtall is made from premium 100% cotton shirting and sewn here in sunny San Diego. SizeElegirCantidadAgregar al carritoSizing:Xsm= 3-6m Sm=6-9m M= 9-12m Lg= 12-18m Xlg= 18-24m
Baby Boy Shirtall- Narwhal$50.00PrecioThe shirtall is for our growing baby boys, with snaps at the bottom and buttons at the front. It is a easy to put on and chinge diapers. The shirtall is made from premium 100% cotton shirting and sewn here in sunny San Diego. SizeElegirCantidadAgregar al carrito